digitizing board games

discover insurance in a playful way

We wanted to teach children (age 9 – 11) the concept of insurance and money and introduce them to the life’s risks and possible measures to with risk. We replaced an exciting board game with a gamified digital version suitable for Digiboards in primary schools.

The new FixYourRisk concept is played by groups in class. After each round, each group chooses the insurance policies they think are best for an upcoming event. These events are ‘random’ and are determined by the Wheel of Adventure. The group with the best insurance wins!

This video is also available in English, please choose the English subtitles in the settings of the video.

FixYourRisk has been a success. Costs have been saved by replacing the analogue board game, and at the same time children find the new version much more fun! FixYourRisk has been played in hundreds of classes and receives a five-star (*****) rating from both children and (guest) teachers. We continue to improve the edu-game based on feedback and new ideas/trends.

Product Features

Awareness of risks among children is important. FixYourRisk is designed to make children aware of risks in everyday life in a playful way.


Encourage children's awareness!

Designed for desktop (HTML5)

Play for 100 days, 10-15 minutes a day


An interactive adventure storyline with mini games

Powered by our powerful MIA LCMS

We are committed to continuously optimizing and maintaining our products. This makes e-learning even more fun and effective. FixYourRisk is played every year in hundreds of classes during ’the week of money’ and is supported by the Dutch Queen Maxima and many companies, schools and institutions.


tutoring hours



Interactive videos


We offer six more educational games in the cloud, ready to be sold in your country. 

Let’s Start Something new

Please contact us so we can give you more information, plan a meeting and discuss the possibilities for licensing one of our products in your country.

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